
DOLPHINS & WHALES FOREVER is a powerful book collaboration by dolphin and whale visionaries, artists, ambassadors, communicators, and facilitators of transformation.

The authors and artists include (listed alphabetically): 


Jean-Luc Bozzoli - In 1975 on a boat in the South Pacific, a dolphin was making sounds under the hull, for a week before sunrise. But by the time I got to the deck, he/she was swimming away … I did not realize then but at that time, in my paintings appeared underwater crystal scenes.  A few years later, I was in New-Zealand and Australia painting dolphins and whales with colorful geometric partners: these always were present in my youth even during school day dreaming. Sixty years later, my imagination is still larger than my identity ... as there are many Universes and many Earths, parallel to each other … worlds where people live inside their bodies and worlds where Dolphins, Whales and infinite types of Beings communicate and expand their energies into colors and organic geometries.


Nina Brown - Nina Brown is an award-winning author, international speaker, cum laude graduate of Bryn Mawr College and distinguished pioneer in business. Retired from the company she formed to assist women entrepreneurs, Brown has also served as a consultant and leader in the field of alternative medicine, once collaborating to form a company to bring neurosensory diagnostic tools to injured veterans. More recently, Nina founded the S.T.A.R. Clinic, which hosted several conferences, webinars and intensives, to help spread the central message of her books, inspiring and supporting participants to awaken to their human-divinity and personal power as sovereign creators. Her ceaseless dedication to spreading this message contributes to growing interest for an ever broadening worldwide audience.


Grandma Chandra - Grandma Chandra is a young, non-verbal unique multi-dimensional being; a living miracle in a severely physically challenged body who provides a safe place to go for answers. She is an experienced, creative and trusted advisor and works telepathically to remove obstacles to Ascension. She provides vital information, guidance through her services, as well as homework in the form of her products to support clients with their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. When you meet with Grandma Chandra you will experience heart openings, images, sounds, words and cleansing tears as blockages are released. Grandma works with all her clients together with Angels, Benevolent Extraterrestrials, Guides and Ascended Masters on all dimensions simultaneously.


Celeste Eaton - Celeste brings forth the inspiration and teachings from the Angelic and Fairy Realms, the Ascended Masters, Beings of Light and Love, ET Beings, Whales and Dolphins, Star Beings, and from those of her spiritual lineage/heritage, the Lemurians.Celeste is a Healer of the Soul, Heart, Mind, and Body who brings each person into their perfected Balance and Radiance. Through her Soul embodiment of Ke Waine Ka Kalima, she acts as the “Protectress of the Oceans and Seas and all that live within these waters”. She facilitates swimming with dolphins in Kona, Hawaii, and with humpback whales in the Kingdom of Tonga. Her Essence resides in All Nature with the Nature Spirits.


Mary J. Getten - Mary J. Getten has been connected to animals all her life. Whether rescuing and rehabilitating sick or injured seals and seal lions, swimming with wild dolphins and whales, or leading whale-watch trips, interaction with wild marine mammals has been a focal point of her life for over 25 years. Mary’s Nautilus Award winning book, Communicating with Orcas; The Whales’Perspective offers a rare multi-dimensional view of orca life and consciousness. Since 1996, Mary’s work as an animal communicator has helped thousands of happy clients worldwide understand and create more harmony with their naughty, sad, sick and puzzling pets. In fact, she’s communicated with everything from snails to whales! Mary also excels at teaching animal and nature communication workshops.


Roberta Goodman - Roberta Goodman's career began in 1978 when she read Dr. John Lilly’s book, “Communication Between Man and Dolphin.”  As Research Director for the renowned Dr. Lilly, she initiated the release of the Human/Dolphin Foundation's dolphins, Joe and Rosie. Since 1986, Roberta has spent time with dolphins only in the wild. Her communication studies continue during daily trips to pods in Hawaii. With stories of both domesticated and wild dolphins, Roberta illustrates the reasoning behind considering Cetaceans as persons with culture, sentience and exceptional intelligence. Roberta co-founded Cetacean Nation with John Lilly in 1993, declaring the rights of whales and dolphins as a People. One day she says we will all understand the wisdom of the dolphins as we now understand the wisdom of indigenous peoples. Roberta's vision is to create a center for rehabilitation of domesticated dolphins into their natural ocean environment. Tanks to Sea is her ongoing preadaptation and documentation project.


Sierra Goodman - Sierra Goodman is a woman who truly follows and lives her dreams. From her ocean front rainforest property on Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula — known as the most biologically-intense place on Earth, both on land and at sea — Sierra inspires thousands of people daily with her unique insight, clarity, wisdom and humor through her Facebook page, blog and contributions to books, articles, websites, and interviews. Sierra teaches us about living the authentic human experience with ease and joy, natural weight loss (she lost 170 pounds in one year), as well as sharing insights from her beloved finned family, the dolphins and whales, and taking people to swim with them at the best places on the planet.


Anne Gordon de Barrigon - Anne Gordon de Barrigón grew up watching orcas in Washington state. She graduated Dolphin Heart World school and is a certified Dolphin Energy Healing practitioner. She is married to an Indigenous man from the Emberá tribe in Panama.  The Emberá people still live in traditional villages in the rain forest.  Anne runs Humpback whale watching tours and Whale and Dolphin Wisdom retreats in Panama.  Anne has developed a deep spiritual connection with dolphins and whales through her studies and countless hours observing and swimming with wild dolphins and whales.  Her life’s mission is to share the beauty and wisdom and instill a deep respect for the cetaceans and nature with others.


Cyndie Lepori - Cyndie Lepori, RN, BSN, Dolphin Emissary.  Cyndie has certifications in Ascension Reiki, and Dolphin Healing.   She teaches the Bubbles of Joy Playshop and enjoys speaking at festivals and radio shows.  Cyndie Lepori authored Bubbles and Billy Sandwalker, which teaches dolphin gifts for humans in a fun and educational way, with beautiful illustrations by Layne Keeton Murrish.   Cyndie is currently creating two simplified versions of the book for younger children.   Her new book is the SEAS (Spiritual Energy Ascension System) instruction book teaches dowsing tools to reach higher vibrations.  She is a writer for Species Link Magazine and Fate Magazine.   Cyndie volunteers with the Spirit Rescue Group and the Radical Joy for Hard Times Group. Cyndie creates ocean healing events called Beach Activations to send healing energies to the waters internationally.   Her you tube videos are free and demonstrate the Bubble Exercises.

Megan Leupold - Megan Wise Leupold is a Dr. of Metaphysical Divinity, a Diplomat of Clinical Social Work and a Dolphin Preceptor. She has devoted most of her life to the assistance and support of others. But, in 1998, after a sacred initiation by spinner dolphins off the Kona Coast of Hawaii, her life’s true path became known. As a clear channel of Cetacean Consciousness, it is her honored mission to provide a form and a voice for the Dolphins and Whales to share their messages of unconditional love, non-judgment, unity within community, and joy. Megan and her Cetacean friends have touched the hearts and souls of many as they have shared their famous and popular Dolphin Dialogues around the world.


Joebaby Noonan -Joebaby is a shamanic nature guide who runs leadership programs for Fortune 500 companies, leads spiritual retreats swimming with wild dolphins and whales in Hawaii & the Caribbean, and organizes adventure trips for families. He has been quoted by the New York Times, People Magazine, Washington Post and has appeared on Oprah, Fox TV and National Geographic. He joyfully assists people in plunging into a more playful relationship with life.


Joan Ocean - The founder of Dolphin Connection International, Joan Ocean is a researcher and world-renowned speaker regarding free-swimming dolphins and whales. With a Master of Science degree in Counseling Psychology, Ms Ocean is a scientist and a psychologist who is the originator of human-cetacean Ocean Swim Programs in oceans and rivers around the world, providing safe passage, educational seminars and deep communication between humans, dolphins and whales. Since 1984 Ms Ocean has been studying cetaceans through respectful interactions with them in their natural habitat where she is welcomed into their pods.  In 1988 she initiated her present on-going relationship with more than 200 highly intelligent Spinner dolphins in Hawaii and subsequently, with the Humpback whales of the Caribbean, She understands that the cetaceans have profound wisdom to share with the human race.


Frederique Pichard - Frédérique Pichard is the founder of the Dony Institute whose mission is to study and protect Ambassador dolphins as well as creating a network between scientists and sensitives where different experiences and ideas are exchanged. The Institute also carries out inter-species research into the communication which exists between humans and cetaceans. Frédérique is passionate about the collective intelligence of cetaceans and runs workshops, college forums and conferences in France and internationally.  These are all designed to help people feel and explore their immense potential.  In her naturopathic practice, as a flower, animal and vibrational remedies therapist, she uses relaxation and creative visualisation techniques, connecting to the cetacean energy. Frédérique organises and leads trips to several destinations to meet up with these wonderful beings and exchange with them. She is the author of the book “Dauphins Ambassadeurs, Messagers de la Mer” and a key participant and contributor to the film “Ambassador dolphins, Messengers of the Sea” in the Manimal series. She is currently developing a range of Sea Essences.


Trish Regan & Doug Hackett -Co-founders Dolphin\Spirit of Hawaii. Doug & Trish have been married in spiritual partnership since 1992. They founded Dolphin\Spirit of Hawaii in 1994 when they experienced a dramatic spiritual calling to "jump off the cliff," leave their professional lives behind and come to Hawaii to work with the wild dolphins. Since that time, they have conducted spiritually transformative dolphin-swim seminars/retreats in Kona. They also facilitate whale swim retreats in the magical waters of Tonga and Mastery Retreats in Mt. Shasta, California. Trish and Doug travel internationally bringing inspiring workshops to many. Trish is author of the book series "Essential Joy: Finding It, Keeping It, Sharing It.


Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah - Reyon is an internationally known Inter Species Communicator and Soul Healer.  Reyon’s gift allows her to speak to the animals and the Angels and translate their messages to humanity.  She recognizes the Cetaceans as the ancients Beings and Master Healers on this planet. Reyon works in sacred partnership with Master Cat Puddah, the Whales and the Dolphins.  Her work includes boat trips, retreats, workshops and individual coaching where people can experience her Whale and Dolphin Medicine. Currently, Reyon and and Master Cat Puddah work as an Ascension team.  They operate the Omni-Dimensional Mystery School in Oceanside, CA and in 2014 will open their Maui location.  Her radio show is broadcast on McLean Masterworks Healing and she is about to release her second film “Ascension Guidance – Living in Your Sacred Heart.” 


Linda Shay -Linda Shay is a Dolphin Ambassador, international spiritual teacher, inspiring public speaker, and pioneer in the field of Dolphin Energy Healing. Linda authored Dolphin Love … From Sea to Land, and founded Dolphin Heart World (1996) and Dolphin Healing HeArts (2003), a (r)evolutionary spiritual school. From her high desert home near Sedona, Arizona, Linda joins the Dolphin Consciousness in their mission to heal the hearts of humanity … all of humanity. The Dolphin Attunement Journey™ is a series of six spiritual initiations that culminate in a merging of human and dolphin consciousness. Dolphin Heart World also offers training in Dolphin Healing Arts™ and Dolphin Living Arts™, as well as personal healing, channeling, and mentoring sessions.


Debbie Takara Shelor - leader of the Dolphins & Whales Forever book collaboration - Takara is a bestselling transformational author, gifted story-teller, award-winning speaker, and engineer. Twenty years ago she left the security of a high-paying career in pharmaceuticals manufacturing to move to an island and co-founded a non-profit for dolphins and whales. Combining her engineering know-how with Divine inspiration, she now develops systems to assist people in experiencing personal and professional magnificence. She offers books, transformational tools, on and off-line training programs, and private consulting. Clients develop passion, confidence, clarity, and clear direction.  Her Dancing Dolphin product line provides customers with the precision-focused high vibrational support they need to transcend current circumstances. Her newsletter, Here’s to Your Magnificence, is enjoyed by thousands of subscribers from over 100 countries around the globe.


Teresa Wagner -Since 1999, Teresa has facilitated Sacred Swim journeys with humpback whales. She has also co-founded the Captive Whale Healing Initiative in collaboration with an energy healer, telepathically communicating with individual captive whales to bring them loving companionship, empathic emotional support, and energy healing. She believes passionately in sacred activism--that it is time for our relationship with cetaceans to evolve beyond the inspiration, exhilaration, wisdom and healing we receive from the them to move on to accelerating our giving back to the whales--by helping those in physical form who suffer from myriad threats of human activity on the earth. Teresa has had an active animal communication practice since 1991, providing consultations with both companion animals and whales.


Madeleine Walker -Madeleine is a Walker between worlds, a pioneer. She traverses dimensions through time and space, guided by the ancestors and the animal kingdom, to bring emotional and physical healing to people, animals and our beloved planet. She is passionate about raising awareness of the importance of Interspecies unification and Unity, at this momentous time in the Earth’s history. This is her mission, to be the bridge of understanding between humankind, the animals and nature. Based in the UK, she travels the world communing with wild species, especially cetaceans, in their natural habitat and meeting with indigenous elders to learn and share their wisdom in her books, CDs, lectures, retreats and courses. She performs international consultations for people and animals, facilitating re-empowerment with soul healing and trauma release.


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